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Biofit HD Matrix Series

Biofit HD Matrix Series

The HD series Bioclear Biofit matrices introduce new matrix technology and designs that ensure ideal tooth contours. Formed with translucent white 75µ mylar, the stiffer mylar and placement tab provides a rigid structure that makes the matrix easy to place while the translucence of the mylar allows ample light to pass through for thorough light curing. Mylar matrices also leave the composite more polished and contoured than traditional metal matrices which leave a more matte finish. In addition, the new shape of the Biofit matrices offers 30% more buccal/lingual and occlusal wrap than traditional matrices and will be appropriate for 75% of all posterior molar cases. The new Biofit HD matrices come in four sizes; Molar 4.5 mm, 5.5 mm, 6.5 mm, and Pre-Molar 5.5 mm.

Product ID: 318011.25, 318011.50, 318021.25, 318021.50, 318031.25, 318031.50, 318041.25 and 318041.50

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